I hear this from patients all the time. Some are completely frustrated with it. Others dismiss the mild bloating they have as “no big deal.”
Well, it is a big deal. Whatever the reason for the bloating, it’s an indicator that their function is compromised. If they are bloated, they are inflamed. And we know that inflammation is the root cause of most health problems and diseases.
Most bloating is rooted in our digestion, but in some cases, hormonal imbalance is the cause. These two categories actually comprise dozens of potential functional imbalances.
Digestive Issues
Virtually any part of our digestive tract can cause bloating. The stomach lining may be compromised from stress or poor diet. The gallbladder could have diminished output due to bile that’s become thick and sludge-like; this sludge can back up into the pancreatic duct and lower pancreatic enzyme output. The small intestine may have SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) or some excess fungal growth, such as candida.
Since approximately 70 percent of immune-system and neurotransmitter production occurs in the small intestine, any imbalance in those functions can cause bloating. In regard to the large intestine, any constipation, loose stools or other abnormality may cause bloating as well.
Hormonal Imbalance
From a non-digestive perspective, many types of hormone imbalance can cause bloating. That includes thyroid imbalance; both hypo- and hyperthyroid can affect digestive function. The adrenal system, which manages our steroid hormones, such as cortisol and the precursors to testosterone and estrogen, can have a massive impact on bloating and digestion. Certainly, women already know their reproductive hormones have a massive effect on digestion and bloating, but men, too, are affected by gonadal hormone balance.
There are many other associations between physiological function—both digestive and non-digestive—and bloating. In all cases, the bloating can be improved, and often it can be eliminated. Generally, a combination approach of functional medicine techniques, such as enzyme and herbal care, along with dietary modification, acupuncture, and even bodywork can help alleviate and many times resolve these health issues, whether they are subtle or extreme.

Functional Medicine is All About You.
Wellness is not just the absence of disease, but a daily feeling of health and well-being. Functional medicine provides the body with balance and strength from the inside out by healing the root causes of disease to foster your true vitality.
If you suffer from IBD or other digestion issues, call Pollack Wellness or schedule a 15-minute discovery call today to learn how our functional medicine doctors and holistic services can help you. From enzyme replacement nutrition, to chiropractic care and detoxification services, we have many natural digestion treatment options for you.